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News & stories

Integral ICT infrastructure for the mega library from Alpiq InTec

The Kooperative Speicherbibliothek Schweiz (Swiss cooperative storage library), based in Büron, Lucerne, is truly a project of superlatives. Upon…

Alpiq commissions power to heat system

Lausanne – Alpiq commissioned its first power-to-heat system in Switzerland in Niedergösgen. Among other things, this system will allow Alpiq to offer…

Imbach’s forging factory reduces electricity costs thanks to Xamax system

Imbach & Cie AG in Nebikon is one of Switzerland’s largest providers of forging services. They export high-quality metal parts worldwide.…

New control technology from Alpiq for sugar refineries

Alpiq Prozessautomation Ltd. was mandated by Swiss Sugar Ltd to update its error-prone control technology for sugar beet sampling in its Aarberg and…

High-speed line Treviglio-Brescia: Alpiq EnerTrans successfully completes work

On 11 December 2016, the High-Speed line between Treviglio and Brescia in northern Italy was officially opened. Alpiq EnerTrans S.p.A. was heavily…

Alpiq InTec ist Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Partner of the Year

Der diesjährige Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Partner of the Year Award im Bereich Hospitality geht an Alpiq InTec! Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise will auch…

Kummler+Matter montiert farbenfrohe Weihnachtsbeleuchtung in Wipkingen

Im Zürcher Stadtquartier Wipkingen leuchtet seit diesem Jahr die neue, märchenhafte Weihnachtsbeleuchtung «HaleBopp». Installiert haben sie – wie…

Large-scale multitec project: Alpiq InTec equips Bern PostParc

The experts at Alpiq InTec installed electro-technical and refrigeration systems, as well as a fast-charging station for PostFinance Ltd, at the new…

Building technology specialist Alpiq InTec has partnered with Starbucks for 14 years now – a success story

The building technology professionals from Alpiq InTec ensure that the electrical installations, sanitation systems, and ventilation and…

Helion Solar wins Swiss Solar Prize

The Swiss Solar Prize was awarded on 18 October 2016 at the Olma festival. The Riverside project by Helion Solar, an Alpiq Group company, was declared…