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Alpiq recognised for customer relationship quality in France

Alpiq has topped a league table of energy suppliers serving the large-scale consumer market in France. For the first time, the CLEEE and the FNCCR*, respectively an association of large-scale consumers and a grouping of public sector bodies, have carried out a satisfaction survey investigating the quality of the services offered by electricity and gas suppliers. They evaluated criteria such as business relationships, competence, speed of response, innovation, proactiveness and administrative services (billing and reporting). With an average rating of 7.8 out of 10, Alpiq came out in top position, ahead of Direct Energie and EDF. This number one spot is a reward for the company's commitment towards its customers, and for an effective growth strategy that underlies one of its priorities: high-quality business relationships.

Since 1 January 2016, regulated electricity and gas sales tariffs for large consumers have been progressively abolished in France, allowing a completely open market in the segment. With 15 TWh of electricity and 4 TWh of gas delivered in 2016 to business customers in France, Alpiq is a key actor in the electricity and gas markets. In France, Alpiq also offers innovative and competitive solutions for the purchase of electricity production, enhancement of load shedding capacities and services to optimise network access costs.

For more information on the satisfaction survey, go to: Baromètre fournisseurs CLEEE-FNCCR

*CLEEE: Comité de Liaison des Entreprises Consommatrices d’Electricité FNCCR: Fédération nationale des collectivités concédantes et régies