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Xamax system optimises power supply on Lake Lucerne

At the end of May 2017, the Lake Lucerne Shipping Company (SVG - Schifffahrtsgesellschaft des Vierwaldstättersees) put its new, large motor ship into operation. Along on board is a power optimisation system from Xamax. The system monitors power supply and controls the consumption of the entire kitchen facility.

The 64-metre long ship with the name "MS Diamant" sets a milestone in Swiss shipping in terms of quality and innovation. In order to control the largest power users, the shipyard, Shiptec AG, installed a Xamax system on board. The system monitors the entire power supply to the kitchen and controls the consumption of electricity users at the available maximum output of 75 kW. The Xamax system controls various high-performance steamers, fryers and dishwashers, as well as other devices with a total output of nearly 150 kW.

The optimisation system, planned and delivered as a turnkey solution by Xamax, also visualises energy flows and power consumption, and sends the data to the technicians responsible for building, operation and maintenance at Shiptec AG. "The professional, fast implementation, personal attention, and performance beyond expectations, as well as the increased reliability of supply convinced me," says Martin Einsiedler, Head of Naval Architecture & Engineering at Shiptec AG in Lucerne.

The passenger ship will be used in the service between Lucerne and Flüelen. With its large catering and restaurant facilities, including banquet seating for 400, the MS Diamant is also suitable for various events. The stylish interior, the exquisitely designed kitchen, and the many special features are an attraction and make the ship the ideal venue for exclusive events. One of the highlights of the 64-metre long and 400-ton ship is the underwater deck with portholes that offer a view into the depths of Lake Lucerne. The new flagship also shines in terms of propulsion. In the machine room, two diesel motors with an output of 405 kW each and two electric motors with an output of 180 kW each produce ample hybrid power.

Further information:

EL_Xamax website

EL_Shiptec AG

Short film (1:05 min) on SRF News:

EL_The new flagship on Lake Lucerne