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Media releases

Alpiq to cooperate with wind farm developer Kraftö Vind

Alpiq Holding Ltd. is expanding its commitment to renewable energies. On 30 November 2009, the Swiss energy services provider signed a cooperation…

Pumped storage power station capacity increase investigated

As part of the construction of the underground pumped storage power station between the Emosson and Vieux-Emosson dams, Nant de Drance SA is examining…

Alpiq increases operational result and confirms expectations

After a period of nine months in the financial year 2009, Alpiq Holding Ltd. has achieved a satisfactory result. The EBITDA at CHF 1.126 billion (+1.5…

Alpiq purchases Hispaelec, EDF's sales company in Spain

Atel Energía, the Spanish subsidiary of Alpiq Holding Ltd., has purchased Hispaelec. Hispaelec is a company of the group Eléctricité de France (EDF)…

Alpiq commissions modern combined heat and power station in Monthey

On 23 October 2009 following a 20 month construction period, Alpiq Holding Ltd. commissioned a new industrial power station in Monthey (Swiss canton…

Alpiq and the Canton of Solothurn represent common points of view

Upon the invitation of the Commission for the Environment, Town and Country Planning and Energy (UREK) of the Council of States, on 5 October 2009…

Alpiq receives initial approval to build a gas-fired combined-cycle power station near Berlin

Swiss energy services provider Alpiq Holding Ltd. has taken a major step forward in its plans to build a 400-Megawatt gas-fired combined-cycle power…

To celebrate its 75th anniversary, the Chandoline power plant is opening its doors to the general public

First put into service on 4 November 1934, the Chandoline power plant is celebrating its 75th anniversary in the context of the European Heritage…

Hydropower: the traditional renewable energy pillar of Switzerland’s electricity supply

On 29 August, the public will have an opportunity to visit around fifty hydropower schemes in Switzerland as part of the Hydropower Day organised by…

Alpiq achieves a solid result

Alpiq Holding Ltd. (Alpiq Group) achieved a solid result in the first half of 2009 despite the financial and economic crisis. The EBITDA of 722…