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The world's biggest greetings card!

Swiss fans can wish their winter sports stars good luck in a unique way: by including their message among the 10,000 on what is probably the world's largest greetings card. The card is to be displayed on the dam of Lac de Cleuson in the Valais Alps from February 2010. One of the first good luck messages is from former ace skier Sonja Nef. All this has been made possible by Swiss energy services provider Alpiq, which supports the national ski association Swiss-Ski.

Alpiq has taken on a very special mission: to incorporate several thousand greetings on probably the world's largest greetings card. The statistics look set to break records. The card is 43 meters high and 63 meters wide: covering 2,700 square meters in all, with room for around 10,000 messages. The greetings are fixed to the dam of Lac de Cleuson, situated at 2,000 meters above sea level in the Four Valleys ski region of the Valais.

VIP support from Sonja Nef

Former skier Sonja Nef has already left her message on the gigantic card. The world champion and Olympic bronze medal winner in the giant slalom has expressed her good wishes to the Swiss team as follows: "Every athlete dreams of standing on the winners' podium. I hope Switzerland can celebrate lots of victories this season!"

Take part and win

From now until 10 January 2010, the entire greetings card can be viewed on the website. Use the simple navigation guide to find a suitable position for your message (up to 160 characters). Let your imagination run free!

Your message will automatically enter you in a competition. The first prize is an exclusive VIP weekend for two at the 2010 Alpine World Cup Final in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. There will also be ten draws for two day passes for the Four Valleys ski region, where you can experience the greetings card up close and personal.

From dam to shopping bag

The greetings card will be on view on the Lac de Cleuson dam until mid-March 2010, following which this unique record-breaking work – including individual messages – will be printed on a stylish shopping bag which can be ordered over the website.

Versatile platform for winter sports fans

The new website, from which greetings can be entered on the card, offers visitors an entertaining insight into winter sports. Special video reports on skiers Cornel Züger, Anne-Sophie Koehn and Michelle Gisin and ace bobsledder Beat Hefti can be viewed, as well as background reports on the ski and bobsled season. Regular features also include special offers for fans and attractive competitions.