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Alpiq to rename four companies as of January 2010

On 1 February 2009, Switzerland's largest energy services provider with European reach was created as a result of the merger of the two tradition-rich companies Atel and EOS: Alpiq, the new powerhouse for Europe.

In the wake of this merger, 64 Alpiq Group companies have already been renamed. In January 2010 more companies were renamed; the billing addresses remain unchanged.

The new company names at a glance:

Former nameNew nameAddress
Aare-Tessin Ltd. for ElectricityAlpiq Ltd.Bahnhofquai 12
CH-4601 Olten
Energie Ouest Suisse (EOS)Alpiq Suisse Ltd.Chemin de Mornex 10
PO Box 570
CH-1001 Lausanne
Atel TradingAlpiq Swisstrade Ltd.Bahnhofquai 12
CH-4601 Olten
Atel Dérivatives S.à r.l.Alpiq Eurotrade S.à r.l.rue de Merl 69
L-2146 Luxembourg

In terms of future collaboration from January 2010, nothing else will change for our trading partners: all the business and contractual relations (including scheduling codes) already in place or agreed with Atel/EOS will continue as before. EOS Trading will continue to act on behalf of Alpiq Suisse Ltd. and Alpiq Swisstrade Ltd. on behalf of Alpiq Ltd. Alpiq is working on a concept to consolidate its trading structures. Our trading partners will receive further details on the targeted structure in the course of 2010.

The same contacts and trading partners will remain available to our partners under the newly named companies – so they can continue to benefit from the customary energetic commitment and expertise.