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Media releases

Alpiq acquires a gas-fired combined cycle power station in Spain

Alpiq buys generation capacity for the first time in Spain. The Swiss energy Group and the Spanish vendor Gas Natural Fenosa sealed the deal for the…

Alpiq salue la signature de la convention d'engagements pour le développement d'une hydroélectricité durable

Alpiq salue la signature par Jean-Louis BORLOO, ministre d'État, Ministre de l'Écologie, de l'Énergie, du Développement durable et de la Mer, en…

Further step towards an increase in the capacity of the pumped storage power station

Whilst the construction work on the underground pumped storage power station between the Emosson and Vieux-Emosson dams continues, Nant de Drance SA…

A2A sells its 5.16 percent stake in Alpiq

The Le Peuchapatte wind turbines: works begin

Just over 30 days after having received the construction permit for the three wind turbines at Le Peuchapatte in the Jura municipality of Muriaux,…

Alpiq has signed up Dominique Gisin

Alpiq Holding Ltd. and Dominique Gisin team up: The Swiss energy company and the Swiss ski racer signed a corresponding contractual agreement on 10…

Good start for Alpiq in 2010

Alpiq Holding Ltd. has started the year 2010 successfully: Compared to the same period of the previous year net sales increased by 1.9 percent to 3.71…

Franz Scheiber and Matthias Zwicky are to be the two new business unit heads

Two personnel changes will be taking place in the Energy Central Europe business division during the course of this year. Franz Scheiber is to become…

Bieudron power plant the main focus of the festivities

Today, Bieudron power plant is host to the event in celebration of the sixtieth birthday of Grande Dixence SA, the commissioning of the…

Alpiq, a Montreux Jazz Festival partner for the first time

Alpiq was announced as a new official partner of Montreux Jazz 2010 at the Festival’s Press Day today. In addition to offering financial support,…