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Michaël Plaschy and Renato Sturani appointed new business unit heads

The Alpiq Group has made new appointments in two business divisions: Dr Michaël Plaschy will take over as Head of the Nuclear & Thermal Power Generation business unit with effect from 1 January 2011, and Renato Sturani will become Head of the new Renewable Energy Sources business unit as of 1 April 2011.

Michaël Plaschy is a graduate in engineering physics and has a doctorate in nuclear reactor physics. The 35-year-old Swiss citizen will take over as Head of the Nuclear & Thermal Power Generation business unit with effect from 1 January 2011. Plaschy has worked for Alpiq since 2007. In 2007 he was delegate for nuclear activities, and since 2008 has headed the Nuclear Assets section of the Nuclear & Thermal Power Generation business unit. Plaschy will succeed Peter Hirt, who is leaving Alpiq after close to eight years to embark on his well-deserved retirement.

Renato Sturani, who has dual German/Italian citizenship, will be responsible for the new Renewable Energy Sources business unit with effect from 1 April 2011. The graduate in mechanical engineering has worked for Alpiq or the former Atel since July 2002. 43-year-old Sturani is currently Head of the Power Generation Italy/Power Generation West business.