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News & stories

Gotthard Base Tunnel: maintenance contract for KuMa

Zurich – Prestigious success for Kummler+Matter: SBB has entrusted the Alpiq company with an important maintenance contract in the new Gotthard Base…

Efficient ventilation from Alpiq InTec for the signinahotel in Laax

A further energy-efficiency beacon project: for the signinahotel in Laax in the canton of Graubünden, Alpiq InTec has designed and installed a new…

Alpiq building technology in Roche's Building 1: energy efficiency high in the sky

Over the past few days, the striking Roche Tower in Basel has come to life, with the first of 2000 employees moving into the new Building 1. To ensure…

Alpiq installs new network control station for gas network operator in Lower Saxony

Alpiq Prozessautomation AG designed and installed a new network control station for Gastransport Nord GmbH (GTG) in Oldenburg in the north of Germany.…

Heat wave summer of 2015: a challenge for the hydroelectric power stations in the Alps

2015 was the second warmest summer since measurements began in 1864. The heat had a significant impact on electricity generation. Alpiq's storage…

Energy-efficient heating system for eco-district in La Chaux-de-Fonds

At the heart of La Chaux-de-Fonds, the new ecological district, Le Corbusier, is currently under construction. Alpiq InTec is supporting the…

Alpiq InTec takes charge of climate control at the WMO headquarters in Geneva

Come rain or shine, Alpiq InTec is now responsible for technical facility management at the World Meteorological Organization’s headquarters in…

The Grand Dixence hydroelectric complex celebrated a triple anniversary

The Grand Dixence hydroelectric complex celebrated a triple anniversary in Zermatt (Valais) on 28 August: namely the 50 years since the completion of…

Neues Zugangs- und Abrechnungssystem heisst «Easy4you»

Anfang Jahr wurde eine neue Infrastrukturlösung im Bereich Elektromobilität angekündigt. Das von Alpiq, Swisscom und Zurich entwickelte Zugangs- und…

Alpiq InTec apprentices are prepared for their future

This year, 144 apprentices successfully completed their apprenticeships at Alpiq InTec. We would like to congratulate these young professionals and…