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News & stories

SIG allCap: transparency for energy data

In our daily lives, we encounter SIG products everywhere: At its Swiss site in Neuhausen, the company SIG allCap Ltd manufactures around three billion…

Bel Coster wind farm project: Opponents’ appeal and collaboration with France

On 29 October 2019, the partial utilisation plan for the Bel Coster wind farm, which was developed by Alpiq together with the municipalities of…

Senior citizens’ centres systematically save power

Two senior citizens’ centres in the Swiss municipalities of Laufen and Kriens are reducing their grid costs thanks to an energy optimisation solution…

Solaria and Alpiq enter into long-term PPA

Alpiq completed the ultra-fast charging project in Switzerland

Together with IONITY, Alpiq has made a significant contribution to the transformation of electric mobility by installing a pioneering, ultra-fast…

Alpiq partner of the XFLEX HYDRO project

A major new energy innovation project to demonstrate how smart hydropower technologies can deliver a low-carbon, reliable and resilient power system…

Reactive power compensation for Sinterwerke Grenchen Ltd.

Sintering involves the use of electrically heated furnaces and powder presses, which require a great deal of energy. Without reactive power…

Intake valves opened at the Nant de Drance power plant

On Monday 25 November, water started flowing through the pipes at the Nant de Drance power plant. This is an important step for Eric Wuilloud, who has…

Alpiq relies on sheep to cultivate natural areas

Fifteen Valais sheep regularly graze on the land surrounding the Ruppoldingen run-of-river hydropower plant. Rather than using machines, Alpiq relies…

Reliable maintenance and operation of wind farms

Just a few years ago, wind turbine manufacturers were the only service providers for the maintenance of wind farms. Independent suppliers like us are…