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Working from anywhere


Germany is more than just Berlin. Our German colleagues are currently spread across eight cities. Jethro Hughes, Senior Product and Sales Optimisation Manager, works in Frankfurt. He recently moved from Berlin back to his hometown. “For the first time, I have moved to a different city without having to worry about finding a new job,” he says with obvious relief, adding: “Such a working model requires trust, but also builds up tremendous loyalty.” He says that for the first time, he feels like he is part of the whole company: “By working at different locations, borders no longer play a role. You stay in touch with each other online anyway. Working remotely has actually brought us closer together,” he says, adding that he could imagine applying this model to the customer business as well. To be closer to the customer in a decentralised way.

Jethro Hughes

Senior Product & Sales Optimisation Manager

What are the advantages of your working model?

Our decentralised structure is actually like working from home; everything takes place remotely. For me, the difference between national and international colleagues has lost its meaning. It’s all the same over the phone. And we make much more use of video calls! We talk to each other much more. This makes it easier for me to quickly get to know my colleagues, even if you can no longer build such a close relationship as you can with your cubicle neighbour.

How do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Spatial separation is a basic prerequisite. Although you have to constantly remind yourself to adhere to it. My typical working day starts with coffee in bed checking my e-mails on my company phone. On the way to my home office, I mute my personal mobile phone, then I close the door to the office, turn on the computer and start working. In the evening, I turn off the company phone and laptop and leave them in the office. Only a relaxing evening allows me to return to work with full energy the next day.

As an Irishman in Germany: How do you yourself work together with other cultures?

I’m neither entirely German nor Irish and I draw on the best qualities of both. Thanks to its cultural mix, Switzerland offers even more potential to draw on! The cooperation works just the same as with my other colleagues in other countries: A brief, informal call to get to know each other, a joke and an upbeat mood always lay the groundwork to successfully get a project going. Together with a positive attitude, this is the perfect basic prerequisite for fruitful teamwork.