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Why does the energy sector need artificial intelligence?

Speech by Christian Jacobsson at the 13th Swiss Energy Congress on 18 January 2019.

Some of the world’s greatest problems stem from energy production and its effects on climate. The switch to alternative energy sources and smaller production units, however, also creates a major challenge – the whole energy ecosystem must be correspondingly rethought.  Increasing complexity can no longer be managed manually, because it simply outstrips human capability. Christian Jacobsson, Head of Energy AI, explained at the13th Swiss Energy Congress how artificial intelligence works, what the conditions for it to succeed are and to which parts of the energy sector it delivers real added value.

Take a look (video duration: 28 minutes; language: English).

Foto: Foto Basler/Stromkongress

Christian Jacobsson

Head Energy Artificial Intelligence

Bahnhofquai 12
4601 Olten
T: +41 62 286 7934
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