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Tschaikowsky, Haydn and Dvořák in Lucendro

The Alpiq-sponsored classical music concert held on the Gotthard on 1 October 2011 was a resounding success. Both musicians and audience were captivated.

Top-class musical event on the Gotthard

The backdrop was spectacular: The venerable Lucendro dam on the Gotthard Pass provided a unique and musically challenging venue for a classical concert. More than 60 years old, 69 meters high and almost 270 meters wide, the structure proved a demanding environment: both for the cellists, in terms of the echoing acoustics, and for the 130 guests, in terms of the cold and damp. But all this was forgotten as everyone sat back to enjoy the music, and the concert ended with encores and standing ovations.

Unforgettable and (perhaps?) unique Ensemble member Romana Kaiser will never forget the event. "The atmosphere was incredible and the concert was truly unique," enthused the young musician. Classical music fan Monika Schwentner, who travelled from Birmensdorf especially for the concert, was in raptures. She enjoyed the acoustics in the dam as the sound travelled up the vault and resonated down again a few seconds later. Monika Schwentner expressed special thanks to Alpiq. "It's great that the company made this concert possible".

The concert in Lucendro dam was – so far - unique. Who knows whether it will remain so?