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Top rating for Alpiq Generation in the Czech Republic

The Czech subsidiary Alpiq Generation (CZ) has achieved second place in an annual survey on Corporate Social Responsibility. More than 40,000 people took part in the survey.

Leading the way in social responsibility

The findings of the survey were published by the Corporate Social Responsibility Institute of the Czech city of Ostrava on 26 March 2013: In the "companies with more than 250 employees" category, Alpiq Generation CZ (AGCZ) gained in an annual survey an outstanding second place: a just reward for the company's long-standing commitment to social responsibility. One of the priorities in this area is welfare and health. "We support projects and organisations that promote the cause of physically handicapped children and adults, including senior citizens. It is an honour for us to be awarded for this engagement," said a delighted Milan Prajzler, General Manager of AGCZ.

As part of its extensive sponsorship programme, AGCZ regularly supports more than 30 public organisations at its locations in Kladno and Zlín where Alpiq operates its power and heat plants.