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Thanks to Alpiq, cantonal students can watch ice hockey free

With its sponsorship of Olten Ice Hockey Club (EHC Olten), Alpiq supports top-class ice hockey in the region and enables cantonal students to watch home games free of charge.

EHC Olten subscription offer

Alpiq has renewed its long-established partnership with EHC Olten for the 2012/2013 season, and now supports the ice hockey club's free cantonal subscription offer. With Alpiq's support, some 1,200 students of the Cantonal School of Olten will receive a subscription to enjoy all EHCO's home games free of charge. This will turn the Kleinholz stadium into the largest meeting place for young people in the Aare region.

In sporting terms, EHC Olten has got off to a successful start to the season and, after some 20 games, is leading the National League B table by a long way. Thanks to support from the large number of young spectators, the ECHO remains unbeaten on their home ground.