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Successful open day at the Forces Motrices Hongrin-Léman (FMHL+) construction site

Nearly 2,600 people attended the open day organised by FMHL+ on Sunday 1 September in Veytaux (Canton of Vaud). This excellent turnout demonstrates the public interest in the behind-the-scenes production of hydroelectric power.

On Sunday, nearly 2,600 people visited the Veytaux pumped-storage power station and the FMHL+ construction site which aims to double the existing capacity of the plant. The visitors, often with their families, were particularly impressed by the size of the new machine cavern now being excavated. The cavern is currently over 37 metres high, 98 metres long and 25 metres wide. Once completed at a height of 56 metres it will be as voluminous as Lausanne Cathedral.

The open house also allowed visitors to learn about both the operation of a pumped-storage power plant and the construction work in progress. What is the purpose of pumping? How does a turbine work? What type of rock is excavated in Veytaux? What happens to the rock? These were some of the questions that FMHL engineers responded to with enthusiasm!

Discover here images of the open day and the film presentation of the project!

EL_Pictures of the open day at the FMHL+ construciton site on Flickr