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Straight out of Budapest

Travelling remains difficult at the moment, especially if you want to cross your country’s borders. Throughout summer, we will be offering you a breath of fresh air as we take you through regions that are home to facilities owned by Alpiq or its partners. Perhaps you will be inspired to discover these places for yourself the next time you are planning a trip.

Situated on the banks of the River Danube in Budapest, the Csepel is a modern combined gas-fired cycle power plant (CCGT) with an electrical capacity of 403 MW. Constructed in 2000, it is the most efficient CCGT installation in Hungary. With an availability of nearly 100 percent, it covers around six percent of the country’s electricity demand. Named after the Csepel city district, the power plant not only produces electricity but also district heating and industrial steam.

The Csepel district is known for its industrial history. It’s an exciting place, but not one where you would want to spend a relaxing holiday. When tourists think of Hungary, they immediately think of Budapest and Lake Balaton. Regions that are well known. But where do Hungarians themselves go on holiday if they to stay in their own country? Ágnes Fülöp, Procurement Assistant, takes us to the south of Hungary.

The destination is called Pécs, which is located in the southwestern part of Hungary and is the fifth largest city in the country. The beautiful city centre can be explored on a small train, which takes visitors to all sights and presents their history. If you want to visit Pécs and its surroundings, Ágnes recommends the following places:

  • Sts. Peter and Paul's Cathedral Basilica: A religious building of the Catholic church that serves as the cathedral of the Diocese of Pécs.

  • Mosque of Pasha Qasim: A Roman Catholic church, which was a mosque in the 16-17th century due to the Ottoman conquest. It is one of the symbols of the city, and was built by Pasha Qasim the Victorious between 1543 and 1546.

  • Pécs TV Tower: Standing on the Misina peak of the Mecsek (535 meters), the TV tower measures 197 metres, with a publicly accessible observation deck at a height of 75 metres.

  • Mecsextrem Park: For people who want to do extreme sports just outside the city of Pécs. For children, it’s a must-visit! You will find everything to get your adrenaline pumping, such as a rope park, slide, forest bob, rodeo bull, shooting simulator, barefoot nature trail and go-kart track.

  • Magyarhertelend spa: Famous for its thermal water with superb outdoor and indoor pools and a park with ancient trees, this spa on the hillside is a place of perfect relaxation.

  • The stalactite cave of Abaliget: The longest stream cave in the Mecsek with a length of 466 m. If it is over 30 degrees outside, the cave is pleasantly cool at 13 degrees.

If you are on holiday in Hungary and can't make it to Pécs or stop in Budapest on the way, you can of course still visit Csepel power plant and learn about energy-saving solutions, and environmental awareness.