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Ruppoldingen bypass watercourse

The new hydroelectric station in Ruppoldingen is a showcase example of Alpiq's environmental commitment to building and operating a power station in harmony with nature.

Construction of the hydroelectric power station involved intervention in the natural landscape and the River Aare between 1996 and 2000. In the course of this work Alpiq undertook extensive measures to protect, restore and replace the natural environment.

The most far-reaching intervention was the damming of the River Aare in order to raise it by two meters. This resulted in the loss of a section of free-flowing water.

Replacement and compensatory measures have significantly enhanced the Aare landscape to the extent that the quality is now rated as "very high".

Thanks to these measures, the river landscape has been preserved as a natural biotope and recreational area, as well as a floodplain habitat rich in biodiversity. A study of the natural vegetation shows that the number of species has risen by 43% from 213 to 306.