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Rotor blade maintenance

Rotor blades are one of the most important components of a wind turbine and at the same time, they are subjected to the highest stresses. Throughout their entire operating life, they are exposed to harsh environmental conditions such as rain, frost and lightning strikes and thus require appropriate maintenance. Depending on the intensity and duration of the stresses and the manufacturing quality of the rotor blades, signs of wear appear sooner or later.

Maintenance for optimum electricity generation

Rotor blades play a crucial role in the operation of a wind turbine and the generation of electricity. That is why regular inspections and expert maintenance are essential. This keeps the rotor blades in optimal condition and ensures maximum productivity. 

In our role as an operator of wind turbines in Switzerland, Italy, France and Bulgaria, we not only generate environmentally friendly electricity and contribute to the energy transition, we also have a specialist maintenance team that ensures a long service life and the optimal operation of wind turbines. Thanks to our extensive experience, we are able to inspect and maintain rotor blades and perform preventive and spontaneous repairs – measures that not only increase the ¬service life of the rotor blades, but also maximise the yields of the wind turbines and prevent production losses. Watch our video to find out how we do it.