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Power for Aral petrol stations in Germany

Super service: Since 2007 Alpiq's partner EGT Energiehandel has been delivering some 1600 Aral petrol stations in Germany with bespoke electricity. Some two-thirds of Aral petrol stations in Germany now purchase around 300 GWh of electricity a year from EGT.

Individual advice and a comprehensive range of energy services: EGT's multisite service handles all the coordination and bill verification on behalf of Aral, including registration and deregistration of the stations with the relevant network operator. The service also includes checking network usage costs incurred for electricity transits to each point of supply.

EGT also verifies individual invoices and incorporates them in a structured overall accounting system. Transparent listing of all points of purchase enables rapid cost analysis. For BP, owner of the Aral petrol stations, this means a tangible reduction in workload, greater transparency and faster business processes.

Ensuring success through individual, customer-friendly services: thanks to this convincing strategy, EGT and Alpiq are winning over more and more new customers.