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Peuchapatte wind farm takes shape

In the summer of 2010, construction work started on the Peuchapatte wind farm in the canton of Jura. The builders have poured the foundations and laid the grid connections near the municipality of Muriaux. Soon the three wind turbines will be hoisted aloft. A five-part video series documents the work over several weeks, and presents the people behind the project.

Five-part video series on

The three wind turbines of Peuchapatte wind farm will be the first in Switzerland to operate for Alpiq, and are scheduled to start delivering electricity to the grid by the end of 2010. Beginning next week, the Alpiq website and will be featuring a five-part video series on the wind farm's construction. Users can learn about the project and follow its progress through the eyes of the project manager, the mayor of the municipality, the contractors and the engineers.

Information on the dates of the new video series is posted on