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Our topics at E-world 2018

The international energy market is becoming increasingly complex and decentralised. By means of digital solutions, Alpiq is actively pressing ahead with the necessary networking. At E-world in Essen from the 6th to the 8th of February 2018, the focus will be on the Intraday+ service, as well as on products involving electromobility and home energy management solutions.

With 25,000 visitors and over 700 exhibitors from all around the globe, E-world is the largest trade fair for the energy and water industry in the German-speaking world. In 2018, within the main topic areas of innovation and smart energy, Alpiq will show its visitors how it is responding to the changes in the energy industry with digital solutions, while also optimising and simplifying energy management for its customers.

Trading energy flexibly: Intraday+

In international energy trading, Alpiq is active in all major European exchanges and bilateral markets. We offer our customers structured products and innovative marketing services. Due to the volatility of markets, operators of decentralised plants have to move more agilely between different markets. In order to be able to utilise the synergy effects of a renewables portfolio, as well as the market opportunities of spot trading and intraday trading, effective flexibility marketing is required. With Intraday+, we offer our customers intelligent marketing on a real-time basis, aimed at profit maximisation.

Electricity is gathering speed: e-mobility

Also in 2018, electromobility will advance rapidly – with innovative products from Alpiq. Due to the immense know-how that we have acquired over the past five years, as well as our multifaceted relationships with other market players, we can offer everything from a single source when it comes to charging stations. From the concept and planning, through to service, installation and assembly. With IQ-ube, we offer operators a unique tool for monitoring all processes involved in the setup and servicing of charging infrastructures, while easy4you simplifies billing of end customers. As the market leader in Switzerland, we will soon be launching high-power charging stations. The announced subscription model for electric cars in Germany can also be keenly anticipated. As the rise of electromobility entails higher electricity consumption, which must be controlled via power management, we are currently working on effective solutions and new products with which to stabilise the grid and to reduce grid load.

New services for energy supply companies: home energy management solutions

In response to the increasing digitisation of business models with private customers, Alpiq offers an intelligent home energy management system. This involves equipping building technology appliances with GridSense products, so that they can communicate with each other, regardless of manufacturer, and control the energy in the house by means of artificial intelligence. Via the coupling of photovoltaics, heat, electromobility and battery storage, the home energy management system achieves an internal consumption rate of up to 95 percent and a self-sufficiency rate of 69 percent. What entails advantages for private homeowners also brings high added value for energy suppliers: Thanks to additional customer information and insights into user behaviour, they can offer new services. With minimal effort, customers can be acquired more easily and retained for longer. 

We would be happy to talk with you in person and explain more details at E-world in hall 3, at booth 266. We also warmly welcome job seekers and applicants. Meet our experts and learn more about these fascinating fields of work.

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