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New electrical and management technology for the sewage works in Flums

The sewage works in Flums was in urgent need of expansion, and also needed to be brought into line with the latest environmental requirements. On behalf of Seez, the organisation responsible, Alpiq Prozessautomation AG replaced the control and management technology, with Alpiq InTec Ost AG carrying out the electrical installations – all in all, a clean piece of work!

The Seez wastewater organisation encompasses the municipalities of Flums, Mels, Quarten and Walenstadt, and as a special-purpose association has operated a sewage works in Flums – including canals, pumps and special structures – since 1978, and also performs all water protection duties in the region.

Greater capacity and environmental protection for the sewage works

Owing to strong growth in the catchment area, the Flums sewage works had already reached full capacity some time ago. In 2012, the organisation approved almost CHF 15 million to increase capacity by around 25% and to meet the increased demands in the canton of St. Gallen. The programmable controls and the higher-level process management system also had to be replaced at the same time as the expansion, which was completed in 2014.

The contract to modernise the control and management technology was awarded to Alpiq Prozessautomation AG. At the heart of the new plant, Alpiq specialists implemented the tried and tested system solution iQOS®, which represents the very latest technology and is number one in the sewage works field. Alpiq Prozessautomation AG was responsible for the engineering, installation and commissioning of the entire system as well as for training personnel in use of the new management system.

No interruption to operations during construction

Also in action were the Sargans building technology professionals from Alpiq InTec Ost AG, who planned and installed the electrical systems during the expansion. A particular challenge for everyone involved in the project was the stipulation that wastewater treatment had to continue without any disruption throughout the entire expansion process, thus making exceptional project planning and coordination even more important.

With the revised sewage works in Flums, the wastewater organisation Seez has a reliable and energy-efficient system at its disposal – and one that is well equipped for the future.