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Mittal Steel Poland: Power for giants

Business partners value Alpiq Polska for its dependability and flexible employee responses to individual customer needs.

From an international steel giant to a regional energy supplier: business partners like Mittal and STOEN value Alpiq Polska for its dependability, competent support, and flexible employee responses to individual customer needs.

Mittal Steel Poland is closely linked with the development of Alpiq Polska in Warsaw: the steel producer was the first end customer to sign a deal with the sales and trading company in 2004. With its huge need for balancing energy, it is very important for Mittal having a flexible electricity trading partner. “We were looking around for alternatives at the time, and found a very good partner in Alpiq Polska”, explains Grzegorz Grabowski, Alpiq Polska’s contact at Mittal. “Alpiq Polska is plainly more accommodating than other suppliers”, Grabowski adds. The plant Dabrowa Gornicza a suburb of Katowice is one of four large steel plants operated by Mittal Steel Poland.

STOEN supplies electricity to about 2 million residents in Warsaw and the surroundings. Karina Michaluk member of the trading team says: “Right from my first day on the job, I noticed how good the interpersonal links with Alpiq Polska were. It’s not just about numbers, they also pay a lot of attention to the personal side.” This human aspect is very important in the business, and may well decide which number will be called when electricity is needed.

Just like Mittal, STOEN is both customer and supplier of Alpiq Polska. At STOEN however, the major swings in electricity volume depend not on production, but on other factors. The weather report and the calendar of upcoming events are crucial to forecasting short term electricity needs. “Alpiq Polska is a big help to us for purchasing just the electricity we require, and thanks to them we can make very fine adjustments” says Karina Michaluk.

Mittal Steel Poland S.A.

By acquiring Arcelor, the Luxembourg-based world no. 2, British/Indian industry leader Mittal became the world’s largest steel group by far. Arcelor Mittal produces over 100 million tons of steel annually, with sales of around 87 billion Dollars and a 10 percent share of the world market.


An impressively sizeable group also backs STOEN: in December 2002, RWE acquired the privately-held electricity supplier. STOEN can look back on longstanding tradition, beginning with the power station responsible for a historical milestone: on 1 September 1903, for the first time ever in Poland, electricity was supplied to Warsaw. The Company's share in the Polish power distribution market totals 5.8 percent.