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Let there be light: Alpiq launches clean-room lighting

The specialists at Alpiq InTec know what is important in clean rooms – also when it comes to lighting. That’s why Alpiq InTec has developed clean-room lighting with LED technology, which is perfectly suited to clean rooms in hospitals and in industry. The lights also perform well in terms of efficiency, maintenance requirements and effectiveness.

Whether in operating theatres or the food industry, whether in the manufacture of microchips or the pharmaceutical industry – the newly developed Alpiq LED clean-room lighting offers the ideal solution for all areas of application. Modern LED technology means that Alpiq LED clean-room lighting can be relied upon at all times, meaning that downtimes can be minimised.

Alpiq LED clean-room lighting combines light bars, lamps and reflectors in a single, attractively designed product. Most of the components are made of aluminium. The dimensions of the lights are tailored ideally for use within a clean-room ceiling grid. Furthermore, thanks to the spectrum of LED, the light fixture emits only pure light, i.e. electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum, and no ultraviolet or infrared radiation. For rooms used in lithography, for example, this means that a yellow-light filter is not required.

What is more, the light fixtures developed in collaboration with Zumtobel are easy to replace, they need little maintenance, consume little power and are highly effective. The light fixtures offer luminous efficiency of 109 lumens per watt and a useful life of 50,000 hours, which corresponds to continuous use of almost six years.

Find out more

Visit us at the ILMAC in Basel – we will be pleased to show you our new development.