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KuMa installs energy-efficient LED lighting at the Hallenstadion

Putting quality squarely in the spotlight: over the last few weeks, the experts from Kummler+Matter Ltd (KuMa) have been working to replace the lighting system at Zurich’s Hallenstadion. A total of 350 new spotlights, with a combined weight of 12 tonnes, are now suspended from the Hallenstadion ceiling. The modern LED lights represent the very latest in quality and energy efficiency.

Built in 1939 and expanded in 2005, the Hallenstadion in Zurich covers a total area of 14,000 square metres and can seat up to 13,000 spectators, making it the largest multipurpose indoor arena in Switzerland. The popular venue is well known for staging large-scale corporate events, performances by stars from the world of pop, rock, entertainment and culture, and sporting events, as well as being the home of the ZSC Lions.

In order to ensure the Hallenstadion continues to be the location of choice for top international performances and events, Aktiengesellschaft Hallenstadion Zürich decided to invest in a new, state-of-the-art lighting system, and awarded this prestigious contract to the experts from KuMa, an Alpiq Group company.

Over the last few weeks, KuMa dismantled the entire lighting system, replacing it with new, cutting-edge equipment. The Zurich Hallenstadion is now the first large multipurpose hall in Central Europe to be equipped with a multipurpose, low-maintenance LED lighting system. LED technology is also characterised by outstanding levels of energy efficiency and quality, and following the renovations, the Hallenstadion now boasts state-of-the-art arena and show lighting – securing its position and enhancing its reputation among the world’s leading concert, sport and multipurpose venues.

The very limited time frame represented a particular challenge in this project – the experts from KuMa had a total of just five weeks to complete the renovation work. Yet despite this short window, they successfully fixed 350 spotlights to the ceiling, including drivers and supply units, with a combined weight of 12 tonnes.

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