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Kägi cuts energy costs thanks to Alpiq

With Xamax systems from Alpiq, energy-intensive businesses can reduce their energy costs. Kägi Söhne AG of Toggenburg (SG) has been benefiting from these systems since Spring 2012.

Optimising energy consumption so as to reduce costs is an ongoing priority for many energy-intensive companies. Anyone aiming to use energy as efficiently as possible must therefore take a close look at consumption peak times, since these represent a huge drain on electricity costs. Alpiq offers Xamax systems for energy optimisation, which respond at customers' peak consumption times and automatically take predefined steps to transfer load or balance electricity consumption.

More than 1,000 customers already use Xamax products, including Kägi Söhne AG since 2012. Production manager Hans-Peter Scherrer talks about the collaboration with Alpiq.

Mr Scherrer, what made you decide on Xamax products?

Analyses of our energy data revealed that, by using the Xamax optimisation system, we could achieve a 60 Kilowatt reduction in our peak load of 644 Kilowatts. Moreover, the investment in the product can be amortised in less than three years. That's what convinced us.

Has using the energy optimisation system brought about any changes in operational procedures?

In our experience, the Xamax systems can run without affecting existing operations. The system works effectively in the background and has no effect on manufacturing processes. This was also a key factor in the buying decision.

How was the collaboration between Kägi Söhne and Alpiq?

We decided to go with the product only a few days after the analysis report with integrated solution concept was drawn up. The electrical diagrams were then drafted and the installation was implemented with our electrical engineer within six weeks. Everything went smoothly: the staff are all experienced professionals. We are already making savings on electricity costs and will now incorporate additional electrical equipment in the system.