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How we provide benefits to our customers with the direct marketing of renewable energies

Renewable energies have become the most important source of power in Europe. According to Eurostat, with a total installed capacity of 276 GW, solar and wind outperform the 188 GW of gas power plants, the leading conventional energy source in the European Union, by far. Despite their expansion, the biggest challenge remains: Windy and/or sunny days cause negative prices on the electricity exchanges and push the electricity grid to its limits. 
One of the most important tools to compensate the volatile feed-in of wind and solar production are hydropower plants. Hence, our highly flexible hydropower portfolio makes us the ideal partner for the commercialisation of wind and solar power without increasing carbon emissions. We combine our experience on short-term markets throughout Europe with a state-of-the-art “Energy Artificial Intelligence” platform, which processes all the data in real time.

Our solution for the commercialisation of renewables 

Plant owners and operators benefit from direct marketing that is individually customised to their power plant. For plants whose feed-in tariff have expired or for new projects without feed-in tariffs, we offer various commercialisation solutions based on Power Purchase Agreements (PPA).

Our PPA solutions are tailor-made for each plant taking into consideration the specific cost structures and geographical characteristics on the one hand and the customer’s requirements with regard to risk sharing on the other. We either purchase the generated electricity directly or act as an intermediary between the producer and the buyer, managing the related risks simultaneously for both the production and consumption side. Based on our proven experience on all European key markets we also offer the commercialisation of pan-European portfolios with customised contracts.

Our specialists for renewable energies are currently located in Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Nordics and Eastern Europe. They work hand in hand with our trading floors in Switzerland and the Czech Republic, which operate 24 hours a day.

Overview of our recent activities per country 

Since the beginning of our activities we have launched a number of significant projects together with our customers.

In Switzerland, in addition to managing our own wind turbines we have signed first contracts with third parties for solar and biomass plants.

In Germany, we are currently mainly active as a service provider and partner for direct marketers and manage a diversified portfolio of direct marketing contracts across the country. In the future, plant owners will also be able to benefit directly from our products.

In France, we successfully launched the commercialisation of wind and solar farms last year and signed, among others, a PPA with “Parc éolien du CERS”, feeding into the French grid without any subsidies since May 2018. We signed first direct marketing contracts with the wind farm developer and operator Enertrag for turbines that will start production in December 2018.

In Italy, we offer our RES customers (wind, small hydropower, biomass and solar) various direct marketing solutions, for example fixed price models, models based on a spot index formula, and access to the ancillary services market. The current portfolio has a capacity of 340 MW across all price zones.

In Eastern Europe, we have been offering hedging, balance group management and market access services for renewable energy operators since 2007. Currently, we offer renewable energy management and market services in several countries from Poland to Turkey.

In the Nordics, we are offering tailor made energy price risk management solutions including PPAs and management of El-certificates for asset manager, direct marketer and financial investors.

In Spain, we offer renewable energy management services, including PPAs for new plants under construction. In particular, we also provide the opportunity to increase the plants’ revenues by enabling participation in the ancillary services market.

We will continue to place a high priority on the development of our RES marketing activities for our customers. If you have any questions or need advice, please do not hesitate to contact: