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Green Frog Award: Atel Csepel Business honoured for services

In 2007 Atel Csepel Business of Hungary won the prestigious Green Frog Award for its environmental and sustainability report. In 2009 it once more submitted its entry – and was awarded a certificate of merit.

The best environmental reports in Central Europe

The Green Frog Awards were held again in 2009, and on 27 October the prize was presented by Imre Szabó, Hungary's Minister for Environmental Protection and Water. The award is presented to companies who document their environmental activities in their annual reports or in a separate sustainability report. The field of contenders included 27 Hungarian companies, four from Serbia and three from Croatia. This year the award went to Audi Hungária Motor Kft. After winning the award in 2007, Atel Csepel Business was honoured this year with a certificate of merit. Csepel Business plans to compete again next year – and bring the prestigious prize home.