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Fresh air for the new SwissTech Convention Center in Lausanne

Alpiq has implemented a powerful ventilation system in the new EPFL convention centre in Lausanne – at an airy height – 40 metres above ground. Amongst other things, the system is exemplary in terms of energy efficiency: The air is heated and cooled using water from Lake Geneva.

On 3 April 2014, the Swiss Technical Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) inaugurated the SwissTech Convention Center (TSTCC), a state-of-the-art congress centre at the heart of the university campus. The impressive new building is tailor-made for large international congresses: The multi-purpose auditorium with a seating capacity of 3000 can be converted into a banquet hall or exhibition space in a twinkling of an eye.

Ventilation units 40 metres above ground

In order to supply the visitors to the SwissTech Convention Center with a continuous flow of fresh air, Alpiq InTec Romandie SA installed an ingenious ventilation system in the 14,000 square metre building. Special challenges during the one-and-a-half-year construction period were presented by the building's pronounced height and the design of the congress centre: The main challenge was installing the ventilation units beneath the roof at a height of 40 metres, after the building shell had been completed.

Energy efficiency thanks to insulation and lake water

In order to prevent heat loss and increase energy efficiency, all the ducts and pipes were insulated. Moreover, the air is heated and cooled using an environmentally-friendly central heating system, which is equipped with three heat pumps that are supplied with water from Lake Geneva. Safety was also considered during the construction of the ventilation system: In the event of fire, strategically placed safety flaps prevent smoke and flames from spreading.

The installation of the ventilation system in the TSTCC formed a part of a construction contract between the building contractor and the 2AK Consortium, in which Alpiq InTec Romandie SA bore the responsibility for the technical management. In addition to the ventilation systems, the consortium also implemented the heating systems and the electrical installations in the apartments and shops, as well as in the hotel and the parking garage, which are located next to the congress centre and which together form the northern district of the EPFL campus.

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The SwissTech Convention Center (STCC) in the SRF News.