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Final sleeper for the railway infrastructure in the Gotthard

Milestone for the installation of the railway technology in the Gotthard Base Tunnel. With the installation of the final railway sleeper on 31 October 2014, four years after the work started, the slab track railway line has been completed. As the leading partner in the Transtec Gotthard general contractor consortium, Alpiq InTec has reason to celebrate.

In October 2010, Transtec Gotthard began installing the slab track lines in the two 57-kilometre-long tunnel tubes. The slab track working group constructed a 480-metre-long cement train specifically for this task. On 31 October 2014, the cement train was put into operation for the last time at the south portal in Bodio. This final time was of special significance because Transtec Gotthard installed the final sleeper block, the "golden sleeper", under the watchful eyes of the responsible staff and guests. The slab track is the prerequisite for further progress of the installation of the railway technology. Because from now on, all the systems that are to be installed will be transported into the depths of the Gotthard using this railway track. The installation of the slab track and the other installation steps are on schedule. The Base Tunnel will be put into operation in December 2016.

EL_Video of the ceremony and the casting of the final sleeper

Leading role for Alpiq InTec

The Transtec Gotthard consortium is the general contractor for the railway technology project in the Gotthard Base Tunnel. With Alpiq InTec as the leading partner, the consortium consists of the following companies: Alcatel-Lucent AG, Thales Rail Signalling Solutions AG, Balfour Beatty Rail GmbH and Renaissance Construction GmbH. Together they are responsible for planning the project and the implementation and commissioning of the railway technology systems. The railway technology infrastructure includes the slab track, the overhead line, and the electricity supply for the trains as well as all the other systems installed in the tunnel. The installation of the overhead line and the 16.7 Hz traction current supply system will be carried out by Kummler + Matter AG. In addition, the working group is responsible for all the temporary systems for ventilation, cooling, electricity supply, lighting and communications during the construction phase.