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Environment at ECKG

The Alpiq ECKG Power Plant was built on a brownfiled site: no forest or farm land was occupied.

We take care of our environment and country

The Alpiq ECKG power plant in Kladno is the most modern coal-fired power plant in the Czech Republic. It uses BAT equipment to protect the environment. New power generating units with a total output of approx. 337 MWe were built in place of former illegal landfills and coke tar dumps. The entire site was decontamined and reused for construction and is now is a "green island" inside an old industrial complex.

The plant´s equipment comlies with all EU environmental regulations and laws and is one of the cleanest plants in Central Europe.

The plant is also ISO 14 001 certified, and personnel continuously improve the environmental performance not only of boilers and turbines but also of auxiliary systems such as the sewage network and waste water treatment plant.

ECKG has a very good relationship with local and governmental environmental authorities and cooperates with them on several environmental and other projects.