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Electricity from wood waste: Alpiq equips biomass power stations in Brescia and Cremona

Alpiq InTec Verona SpA has installed combined heat and power cogeneration solutions for two newly created biomass power stations in northern Italy. The plants are excellent examples of how energy efficiency, environmental protection and state-of-the-art technology can be combined usefully and profitably.

Thanks to biomass power stations, energy can be obtained from biological waste and then fed into the electricity supply and used by consumers. In December 2012, Linea Group Holding (LGH) in Lombardy put into operation two such biomass power stations, which convert wood waste into electricity. The wood waste comes, for example, from the maintenance of town parks and gardens or is collected in recycling centres.

Electrical and hot-water systems from Alpiq InTec

Alpiq InTec Verona SpA made a decisive contribution to the two newly created biomass power stations with the construction of the hot-water systems and the electrical installations. The professionals from Alpiq were responsible for the water distribution and treatment systems, the equipment for the diversion of surplus, unusable heat, the hydraulic cooling circuits and the compressed-air system as well as the ventilation and fire-extinguishing installations.

Highest environmental standards thanks to modern dust filters

Both biomass power stations belong to the portfolio of the utility company LGH and are located in Cremona and Rodengo-Saiano near Brescia. They both have an electrical capacity of 1 megawatt and a thermal capacity of 5.5 and 3.5 megawatts respectively. By using modern dust filters and by following strict legal requirements, both plants maintain the highest environmental standards. Thanks to modern technology, environmental protection and energy consumption have been brought together here in an exemplary way and to the benefit of the general public.