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Eight years of operation without accident

At Alpiq Csepel Business, the safety of people is of utmost priority, and therefore we regard world-class work safety and health protection as one of the corner stones of business success. Our main safety target is to prevent any form of accident and make sure that people leave our sites in the same healthy condition as they arrived. To achieve our targets we need the commitment and contribution of everyone including Group staff, contractors, suppliers and visitors.

2007 safety and health achievements: Regarding Group staff, we have achieved more than eight years without accident

Both sites have been accredited for Safety and Health Management System (HSMS 28001, OHSAS 18001), with Hungarian and international certifications. To benchmark our development, both sites participate in international competitions. We are very proud that Csepel II has won the Electricity Sector first prize in 2007 at the RoSPA competition, and Csepel I has won another Gold Medal (not the first time).

With the importance of proactive prevention in mind, we have introduced comprehensive safety procedures which proved to provide world-class protection against all risks from both the "System" and "General conditions". The continuous and sustainable development is also supported by the over 150 Near-hit Reports* prepared by staff and contractors in 2007. Due to that reporting scheme, practical actions have a primary role in preventing any accidents, which is our main goal.

In organising and implementing safety and health activities, internal and external communication is important to get everyone on board. In 2007, we have again initiated a number of meetings about safety issues with the representatives of various organisations (partner power plants, large enterprises, National Safety Inspectorate) in order to learn from each other's practice and continuously improve the safety standards of our organisations. We are willing to share experiences and knowledge with others, and therefore we take an active role in the safety development programmes of Hungarian and international energy businesses in order to make others able to achieve world-class safety results similar to those achieved at Csepel.