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Destination: hydroelectric facilities

More than 22,000 people visited hydroelectric facilities operated by Alpiq and its partner companies in 2013. The Grande Dixence dam alone attracted nearly half of these visitors.

Some 15 hydroelectric facilities, operated by Alpiq and partner companies, are open to the public and have become a popular tourist destination. 22,764 people visited one of these facilities in 2013. The Grande Dixence dam beat all records, drawing 11,156 visitors. The Ruppoldingen run-of-river power station also aroused the curiosity of the public with 2,250 visitors, as well as the the Bieudron and Nendaz power plants (2,043 visitors). You prefer to get off the beaten track? If so, a visit to the Gebidem dam, the Airolo power station, or the Martigny-Bourg run-of-river power station may be more to your liking.

Highlighting Alpiq assets

By opening up its facilities Alpiq is rendering accessible to the general public the complex domain of energy generation and explaining what is behind the electric power socket. It has boosted the attractiveness of these facilities as a tourist destination and has laid on guided multimedia tours of the Grande Dixence and Emosson dams as well as the Bieudron power station. In addition, Alpiq has published hiking guides around the theme of ‘hydro’ excursions to discover its hydroelectric assets.