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Contract successfully executed for KEBAG Zuchwil

Thanks to the dedicated efforts of Alpiq Prozessautomation AG, Zuchwiler Kehrichtbeseitigungs-AG (KEBAG) of Zuchwil, canton Solothurn, has undergone modernisation and can now recover and re-use 350 tonnes of zinc a year.

Subsidiary Alpiq Prozessautomation AG

Following an invitation to tender, KEBAG Zuchwil in the canton of Solothurn awarded Alpiq Prozessautomation AG the contract to modernise the existing facilities for fly ash processing and ammonia recovery at its Emmenspitz waste incineration plant, and to add the new FLUREC process. This system prevents the build-up of hydroxide sludge during the incineration process. Up to now, this sludge had to be treated abroad at major expense. Thanks to the new method, some 350 tonnes of zinc a year is recovered and the valuable metal is sold on to the zinc-processing industry. To integrate the FLUREC process, KEBAG had to extend and modernise the existing building.

Incineration plants also generate electricity

In its four incineration lines, Zuchwiler KEBAG treats 220,000 tonnes of flammable domestic waste a year from the cantons of Berne and Solothurn – i.e. from around 473,000 residents in 208 municipalities. The energy produced in the incineration process is used to generate electricity and prepare hot water. Alpiq purchases the electricity.