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Construction of Ticino waste incineration plant on track

Installation work on the new waste incineration plant in the canton of Ticino is right on target. Trial operations were started at the end of October 2009, and the handover to the cantonal waste disposal operator is scheduled for February 2010. Two Alpiq subsidiaries are involved in the project.

Alpiq Energy Services delivers electromechanical systems

The new cantonal waste incineration plant in Giubiasco, canton Ticino, has been under construction since the end of 2006. The plant is designed not only to burn domestic waste; with its 20-MW turbine, it will also harness the resultant steam to generate electricity. Work for the construction consortium, Consorzio Termoutilizzatore, in which Alpiq is engaged through its subsidiaries Kraftanlagen München (KAM) and Alpiq InTec Ticino SA, is on schedule. KAM is responsible for the planning, delivery and installation of the entire energy system including steam turbine, air condensation system, piping and components for the water-steam cycle, the cooling-water system and all the crane equipment. Alpiq InTec Ticino implemented the process control system for monitoring and regulating the entire process as well as all the electrical components for the plant.

Handover to the operator, ACR, in February 2010

The work, which is being carried out jointly by KAM and Alpiq InTec Ticino in conjunction with Martin GmbH of Munich and Von Roll Umwelttechnik AG, is nearing completion; and if all continues to run according to plan, the plant will be handed over to the cantonal waste disposal company ACR on schedule in February 2010.