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Concerning the death of André Schnidrig

It was with great sadness that we learned that our colleague, friend and former CEO André Schnidrig passed away on Wednesday, 9 June 2021. Our thoughts are with André Schnidrig and his family.

André Schnidrig studied physics at ETH Zurich and was an INSEAD MBA graduate. After working, among others, for ABB and McKinsey, he joined Alpiq at the beginning of 2010. From 2015 to the end of 2018, he successfully headed the Renewable Energy Services business unit, continuously driving forward Alpiq’s Swiss and European business. From 2019, André Schnidrig was in charge of the Generation International business division and was also a member of the Alpiq Executive Board. Subsequently, he was appointed as Alpiq’s new CEO on 1 January 2020.

In February of last year, André Schnidrig was unexpectedly diagnosed with colon cancer. André Schnidrig spoke openly about his condition. Subsequently, he concentrated fully on his recovery, stepping down as CEO of Alpiq last autumn. Throughout all this time, he always exuded confidence and optimism – and was, as in all things, a great role model.

André Schnidrig enriched Alpiq in many ways. We will keep him in fond memory.