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Concentrated Alpiq power at the Powertage exhibition in Zurich

Last week the Powertage trade fair was held in Zurich. Alpiq was strongly represented – its innovative and energy-efficient energy services met with great interest. A brief review of the three exciting exhibition days.

From 31 May to 2 June 2016, the Messe Zurich exhibition centre focused fully on the Swiss electricity industry. As the meeting point for the industry, the biennial Powertage (“power days”) trade fair provided the opportunity to exchange experience with customers, business partners, colleagues and representatives from associations and institutions. With a joint exhibition booth, Alpiq was strongly represented – six Alpiq Group units presented innovative products and services from their respective business areas: Alpiq EnerTrans AG, Alpiq Prozessautomation AG, Alpiq E-Mobility AG, GridSense, Helion Solar AG and Kummler+Matter AG.

We can draw a positive conclusion after three exhibition days: Alpiq’s diverse presentations of concrete examples of applications and the opportunity to talk face-to-face with experts was well-received by the visitors. This resulted in keen interest on the exhibition booth.

In addition to the booths of the 140 exhibitors, the Powertage expert forum drew large crowds. The series of presentations, which were held each morning, offered insights into current market developments and the opportunity for discussions with the high-calibre speakers. During his impulse presentation on 1 June, Marcel Morf, a member of Alpiq InTec’s Executive Board, talked about the changed framework conditions for the energy sector and the Swiss electricity market. He explained what opportunities and new business fields are opening up due to the increasing decentralisation of electricity generation and storage.