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Clean mobility: Alpiq supports electric cars

Energy is in short supply, and the climate is suffering – given this global set of problems, Switzerland too must plot the right political and economic course in good time. As a leading national enterprise, we take a proactive approach to developing economically viable solutions to achieve the Swiss government's ambitious energy and environmental targets.

Our motto is: clean mobility. In Switzerland, energy is not part of the problem: it's part of the solution. Our vision: to see 720,000 electrical cars - 15 percent of the number of private cars in circulation at present - on Swiss roads by the year 2020. This could reduce carbon emissions by private vehicles by 9.7 percent (versus 2007).

Ideal conditions

Switzerland has the ideal conditions for expanding private electric transport: Our energy grid is highly developed. Electricity is a clean fuel: even now, 95 percent of Swiss energy is generated from clean sources (water, wind, solar and nuclear power). We have a relatively high level of income, and public awareness of environmental issues is high.

Despite this favourable starting point, the country needs a clear strategy between policymakers and industry, in order to achieve 15 percent penetration of the private vehicle market by electrical cars by 2020. Investments in the electricity grid infrastructure are just as important as state cost incentives and skillful communication measures. Alpiq is ahead of the curve when it comes to paving the way for clean mobility.