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Children on the ski slopes with Bernhard Russi and Alpiq

In the context of "snow for free", a joint venture by Bernhard Russi and the Cleven Foundation, on 25 January 2012 around 100 children from City of St Gall came to the ski resort of Pizol to profit from tips from the former ski World Champion and Olympic gold medal winner. Alpiq is involved as sponsor and hence, in addition to the top ski athletes, also supports an important project with social responsibility.

„All children in the snow“ – is how the initiator Bernhard Russi summarises the motto of the „snow for free“ project. But particularly in urban areas this is no longer something that can be taken for granted. In such areas the number of children who have never had the opportunity to try skiing or snowboarding is growing continuously. Just like the number of overweight children. „We want to do something to counter this trend“, says the former downhill World Champion and Olympic Gold Medal winner Bernhard Russi. Thanks to „snow for free“, every winter some 2000 children are given the opportunity to spend an afternoon in the snow at one of six winter sports resorts. Transport and equipment, as well as the accompaniment by ski teachers, are all provided free of charge. Bernhard Russi regularly takes part in a "snow for free" afternoon.

This is already the second year that Alpiq is supporting the „snow for free“ project as sponsor. There are many good reasons for this involvement. As sponsor of Swiss-Ski, the company is already closely involved with winter sports, but does not simply want to encourage top-class sport. As an important Swiss supplier of electricity, Alpiq not only carries considerable economic weight but also assumes social responsibility. The project makes it possible to experience nature in the mountains, which are also the home of Alpiq.

Thus on 25 January 2012 children from the City of St Gall and its environs had the opportunity to participate in an unforgettable afternoon: Bernhard Russi, one of the best known and respected ski experts in the country, spent the afternoon on the ski slopes of the Pizol ski resort in order to provide advice to just under 100 children and to instil in them the joy of winter sports.