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Building technology specialist Alpiq InTec has partnered with Starbucks for 14 years now – a success story

The building technology professionals from Alpiq InTec ensure that the electrical installations, sanitation systems, and ventilation and air-conditioning technology are all in top condition at the 57 Starbucks stores in Switzerland. Alpiq InTec is the perfect partner for Starbucks, thanks to the multitec services it offers and its presence throughout Switzerland.

With almost 24,000 coffee houses in more than 70 countries, Starbucks is the world’s largest coffee roaster and provider of coffee specialities. In 2001, the US chain opened the first store in Switzerland and now has 57 branch stores in total. In all of these Starbucks cafes, the building technology specialists from Alpiq InTec ensure that the electrical systems, sanitation installations and ventilation and air-conditioning devices are all in working order. A nice success story, for both companies.

As early as 2002, the cooperation between Starbucks and Alpiq InTec began with a few individual projects, and over the course of the years has developed into a close partnership. This increase in cooperation began in 2007 when Alpiq InTec carried out numerous projects for Starbucks in the areas of electrical engineering and sanitation systems. In 2013, the cooperation deepened, and a framework contract for Alpiq InTec’s call-out service was concluded. And since 2014, all processes have been controlled via the Starbucks Global Facilities Management System (FMS); in this web tool, all of the processes are managed, from the entry of projects to invoicing. In 2015, Starbucks also handed over maintenance work on the air-conditioning and ventilation systems to Alpiq InTec.

Central coordination via the Alpiq InTec branch in Uster

Alpiq InTec is the ideal partner for Starbucks. Firstly, Alpiq InTec has a presence throughout all of Switzerland – in every region and with over 90 branches in total. This means short journeys to work sites, quick service, simple communication thanks to a central point of contact and local installation professionals in the regions. Secondly, Alpiq InTec offers a uniquely broad range of services in the area of building technology; this multitec approach is particularly interesting for customers who have projects that encompass not only traditional trades and want to work with just one provider – in order to greatly reduce the coordination work required.

Since 2016, Alpiq InTec has managed and coordinated projects from Starbucks via a single point of contact (SPoC) at the Uster branch. Starbucks and Alpiq InTec hold quarterly meetings in order to exchange ideas and information and to solve any problems that arise. With these regular meetings, both companies are striving to increase efficiency, understand the needs on both sides and continue to develop a positive partnership.

Close partnership – high levels of satisfaction at Starbucks

Starbucks has expressed just how satisfied it is with this partnership. “Alpiq InTec is represented throughout Switzerland and therefore flexible and on site quickly if something isn’t working properly,” says Stefan Duttweiler, the responsible facility manager at Starbucks for Switzerland and Austria. “And at the same time, we have just one single central point of contact for numerous trades, which simplifies many things for us and conserves our resources.” The partnership between Starbucks and Alpiq InTec is simply a nice success story.

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