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As the leading partner, Alpiq chaired the Transtec Gotthard railway technology consortium

As scheduled, on 1 June 2016, the Transtec Gotthard (TTG) consortium handed over the railway technology systems of the Gotthard Base Tunnel to the contracting authority Alptransit Gotthard. This allowed the Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) to commence trial operation. Over the past eight years Alpiq has played the lead role in the provision of a key part of the services for the large-scale Gotthard Base Tunnel project.

The Transtec Gotthard consortium was awarded the contract as general contractor for the railway technology systems of the Gotthard Base Tunnel and the access routes in 2008. Represented by Alpiq Infra AG, the specialist for large-scale projects, Alpiq was the leading partner of Transtec Gotthard. The contract volume amounts to CHF 1.92 billion. Thanks to prudent planning and close cooperation with the builder-owner, it was even possible to complete the project one year faster than scheduled in the original service contract.

The consortium pooled the expertise of Alpiq InTec AG, Alcatel-Lucent Schweiz AG, Thales Rail Signalling Solutions AG, Heitkamp Construction Swiss GmbH and Balfour Beatty Rail GmbH. The services provided by Alpiq included in particular, the overall management of the rail technology contract with the chairmanship of the Construction Committee, the temporary installations and provision of services to the extent of 25 percent of the overall volume as well as the project management and recruitment of a major proportion of the employees.

Alpiq subsidiary awarded contract for maintenance in the Gotthard Base Tunnel until 2018

SBB have awarded Kummler+Matter AG a contract for maintenance starting from the commissioning of the tunnel until 2018. The Alpiq subsidiary will be responsible for the maintenance of the 50 Hz power supply infrastructure. Kummler+Matter is in an ideal position to provide this service because it was involved in the installation of the systems as a subcontractor in the Transtec Gotthard consortium. Up to 20 employees will be involved full-time or part-time in the maintenance work.