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Alpiq ventilates Zurich Swiss Prime Tower

Since the middle of December 2011 the Swiss Prime Tower in Zurich has been officially open. The new 126 metre high, 36-floor building is currently the highest office building in Switzerland. Alpiq InTec was responsible for the ventilation system.

40 000 square metres on 36 floors

That was custom work: In the Swiss Prime Tower, a project of the Olten real estate company Swiss Prime, 40 000 square metres of floor space, plus neighbouring buildings, had to be supplied with fresh air. Alpiq InTec installed a ventilation system that feeds and extracts fresh air to 36 floors. Furthermore, Alpiq InTec installed an ingenious system that in the event of a fire keeps the escape routes free of smoke. Because of the 126 metre height of the tower, the ventilation is divided into two zones. Four air conditioning units in the basement supply the floors 1 to 17; four more on the top floor the floors 18 to 36.

Extraordinary routine The installation of the system in the Swiss Prime Tower and the neighbouring buildings was routine work for Alpiq InTec, even though it was an extraordinary routine. According to the Project Manager Quoc Minh Ly, the challenge was far more in the planning and the supervision. Also demanding was the planning and installation of a pressure ventilation system that in the event of a fire keeps the escape stairwells free of smoke.