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Alpiq supports nature conservation

In one of the most extensive forest in Central Europe, 30 Alpiq employees from Prague demonstrated what corporate social responsibility really means.

Voluntary work in the Czech Republic Šumava National Park

In the context of demonstrating its corporate social responsibility (CSR), Alpiq Energy SE organised an eventful nature conservation assignment for its employees. 30 members of staff spent a whole weekend in the South-Bohemian forest, which in Czech is known as the "Šumava" National Park, at the beginning of June 2012. Equipped with spades, picks and shovels, and dressed in wellington boots and raincoats, they planted pine trees, reactivated moorland and built wooden dams. In spite of the cold and rainy weather the team thoroughly enjoyed the physical activity in the forest. It also learned details of the work done by the Rangers and the Foresters. The voluntary work of the 30 Alpiq employees reaped a great deal of positive feedback. It therefore is not surprising that the Prague subsidiary is planning further conservationist assignments of this type.