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Alpiq supplies Wienerberger with wind energy in real time

Paris/Lausanne, 23 June 2021 – Alpiq has concluded a three years green power purchase agreement (PPA) with the Wienerberger Group, the world’s leading manufacturer of clay building materials. Alpiq supplies in real time the eight Wienerberger factories in France with renewable electricity from two wind farms.

Alpiq and Wienerberger renewed in June 2021 a contract for the supply of green electricity. This means that between 2021 and 2023, the group, which specialises in the manufacture of building materials, will be able to cover part of the electricity demand of its eight factories in France by means of French wind energy, in line with its commitments to sustainable development.

The electricity comes from two wind farms located in the Pas-de-Calais (in the North of France) and the Drôme (in the Southeast of France), which were removed from the purchase obligation scheme between the end of 2020 and early 2021. Alpiq buys the production and guarantees of origin associated with these wind farms directly from their owners through a repurchase agreement known as a “PPA” (Power Purchase Agreement), and then makes use of this renewable electricity by supplying Wienerberger's consumption sites in real time.

100% green electricity at all times

The supply contract signed with Wienerberger is based on the “real time green” platform developed by Alpiq. The industrial customer can use this tool to visualise the correlation between the consumption of its factories and the production of the two wind farms in real time. This enables the customer to know exactly what percentage of their consumption is covered by green energy and the amount by which they have reduced their carbon emissions.

By offering electricity from renewable sources in a transparent manner, Alpiq is supporting its customers in the energy transition while at the same time securing their energy provision over the medium to long term, as Wienerberger confirms: “By procuring green energy via PPAs, we are able to reinforce our sustainable approach to energy transition. The solution provided by Alpiq, and in particular the access we gain to its "real-time green" platform, allows us to view this commitment very clearly by monitoring our consumption of French wind generation in real time. We are now considering other PPA opportunities, particularly those that offer longer-term solutions and provide for new solar assets, to secure part of our electricity supply in the long term.”


About Wienerberger

The Wienerberger Group, which specialises in the manufacture of clay building materials, was founded in Vienna, Austria, in 1819. It comprises 197 industrial sites in 29 different countries, has more than 16,600 employees worldwide and achieved revenue of almost 3,354 billion euros in 2020. Today, it is the world leader in clay building materials.
Wienerberger expanded into France in 1995 following the acquisition of the Alsatian group, Sturm. With eight factories in France and more than 800 employees, the company supplies clay building materials (structural bricks, façade bricks and tiles) for single-family dwellings and apartment blocks, tertiary and historic buildings. 
The aim of the Wienerberger Group is to improve the quality of this process in a sustainable manner, from an ecological, social and economic standpoint. Its ESG (Environmental Social Governance) strategy focuses in particular on decarbonation, the circular economy and biodiversity. The “2020+” sustainability programme, which includes targets and measures in these thematic areas, came into force in early 2021.

About Alpiq

Alpiq is a leading Swiss energy services provider and electricity producer in Europe. Alpiq offers its customers comprehensive and efficient services in the fields of energy generation and trading as well as energy optimisation. 75% of its power production (5 GW in Europe) is decarbonised, mainly thanks to hydropower.
Since 2002, Alpiq Energie France has established itself as one of the leading suppliers of electricity and natural gas, delivering energy to more than 2,000 industrial and tertiary sites in France (more than 17.5 TWh of electricity and 6.5 TWh of gas delivered annually). It has been ranked number one among electricity suppliers for its quality of service in the CLEEE-FNCCR barometer since its creation four years ago.
Alpiq Energie France is also a recognised aggregator of both flexible and intermittent decentralised production facilities. Thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the electricity market, Alpiq Energie France is able to support producers of renewable electricity (wind, photovoltaic, hydro, incineration) by offering them a comprehensive range of services tailored to their needs, regardless of whether the assets are publicly supported or not.

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