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Alpiq shows 30 journalists the railway infrastructure systems in the Gotthard Base Tunnel

At the end of October, for the very first time, around 30 media representatives travelled through the Gotthard Base Tunnel from south to north. They had been invited to the impressive tunnel viewing by the firms involved in the installation of the railway infrastructure systems – including several Alpiq companies.

On 30 and 31 October 2013, Alpiq Infra AG, Kummler+Matter AG und Alpiq Burkhalter Technik AG invited media guests to an extraordinary viewing of the construction site. The theme of the event was "Railway systems in the Gotthard Base Tunnel", and the around 30 media representatives from the press, radio and television did not need to be asked twice.

The journalists, who had travelled to Ticino both from within Switzerland and from abroad, were not disappointed by the programme. They not only had the opportunity to find out on site about the background and future prospects of the large-scale project and to experience the construction work at first hand – the two-day programme also included the first media trip through the tunnel from south to north. The reporters and members of the press were impressed by the railway-system installations, the atmosphere in the tunnel and the dimensions.

Gotthard Base Tunnel: Alpiq plays a crucial role

Alpiq has been closely involved in this epic feat of engineering: while Transtec Gotthard is responsible as general contractor for the installation of the railway systems in the tunnel, Alpiq InTec AG is the lead partner.