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Alpiq set up a challenge aimed at the well-being of its employees

Around 300 Alpiq employees participated in the Alpiq Employee Challenge which took place from September to December 2021. The main aim of the challenge, built around sports and volunteer activities, was to promote the well-being of the employees while raising funds for charitable and environmental organisations.

“You will participate in volunteer activities, sports activities and online social gatherings. You will connect with your colleagues at work and abroad. And you will make a positive contribution to the environment and society,” was how Elodie Zufferey and Angela Zurbuchen, organisers of the Alpiq Employee Challenge, presented the initiative to their colleagues. And many people were convinced by it! 300 employees from six different countries (France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic and Switzerland) took part in the Challenge, which ran between September and December 2021. In teams, they performed 2 002 hours of sport activities and 280 hours of volunteer work. They managed to raise 42 000 Swiss francs, sponsored by Alpiq, to support ten non-profit associations in the six countries mentioned above.

Corporate social responsibility can be experienced in many ways, but above all it is about making a positive contribution to the environment and society. For Alpiq, this also includes the well-being of its employees. “With that in mind, we set up an internal initiative for all Alpiq colleagues. It was very popular and the participants were highly motivated. They particularly appreciated the fact that it was not just a sport challenge, but an opportunity to spend time with colleagues and do something good for the environment and society,” explains Elodie Zufferey.

Connecting with colleagues and creating a sense of belonging

The Alpiq Employee Challenge was a welcome breath of fresh air after the pandemic and periods working from home. As well as contributing to the physical well-being of the participants, the Challenge offered a place to meet with colleagues. “The aim of the game was not to win but to share experiences. The participants also had the opportunity to share their experiences with their colleagues abroad during special online events,” comments Angela Zurbuchen. This challenge made us realise that we are “One Alpiq” and that although we are based in different countries, we all share the same corporate values.

A local and concrete commitment

44 teams based in France, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Czech Republic and Switzerland were actively involved at a regional level. Alpiq sponsored the team activities, which enabled employees to raise a total of 42 000 Swiss francs for donations. This amount was donated to ten non-profit associations in the following countries:

In Spain

Highlight: participation in the “Perrotón 2021”, a marathon with and for dogs, organised in Madrid to promote responsible animal adoption and to combat animal abuse

Supported associations: Fundació Casa Sant Josep de Tarragona and Associació Provincial de Paràlisi Cerebral de Tarragona

In France

Highlight: jogging with colleagues during the lunch break

Supported association: Secours populaire français

In Hungary

Highlight: volunteering at a primary school to build new fencing in the school yard

Supported associations: Bátor Tábor Foundation and MyForest

In Italy

Highlight: helping to create a community garden in Milan as part of the “Puliamo il Mondo 2021” project, organised by the Legambiente association

Supported association: Legambiente

In Czech Republic

Highlight: accompanying wheelchair users with the Centrum Paraple association, beach volleyball and conservation work to preserve marshland areas

Supported associations: Centrum Paraple and Mokřady

In Switzerland

Highlight: removal of neophytes along the banks of the River Aare in cooperation with Alpiq Hydro Aare

Supported associations: Schweizer Berghilfe and Winterhilfe Schweiz

The mechanics behind the Alpiq Employee Challenge

The mechanics behind the Alpiq Employee Challenge

Between September and December 2021, participants followed a virtual tour consisting of six steps, representing various Alpiq facilities and workplaces throughout Europe (see image below). Their starting point was the Gösgen nuclear power plant in Switzerland and their final destination was the Nant de Drance storage power plant, Alpiq's key asset due to open this year.

Every fortnight, the participants reached a new destination. During each step of the virtual tour, they took part in sport and volunteer activities in teams. The time spent on each activity was sponsored by Alpiq, the aim being to clock up as many hours of sport and volunteer activities as possible in order to raise as much money as possible.

At the end of the challenge, the money raised was donated to ten non-profit charitable and environmental organisations active in each of the above-mentioned countries.