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Alpiq Polska rated best company in the field of energy technology

Out of a field of 3,795 Polish companies, Alpiq Polska has come an outstanding 19th in the Business Gazelle rankings compiled by Polish business magazine Puls Biznesu.

Top revenue earner

What's more, Alpiq Polska has been ranked first in the field of energy technology on the list of Poland's most dynamic companies compiled for the seventh time by Coface Poland. Companies are rated on the basis of revenues reported for the 2004 to 2006 financial years.

The 2007 Business Gazelle Ranking analyses the results posted by 3,795 companies across Poland for the 2004 to 2006 financial years. At Zl 576 million, Alpiq Polska recorded the highest revenues of all 20 listed companies. This is equivalent to more than half the sum of the revenues posted by all other companies in the Business Gazelle Top 20 put together.

Outstanding result achieved in a difficult market environment

Alpiq earnings increased by 533 percent between 2004 and 2006. This extremely dynamic growth rate is due, among other things, to growth in Polish energy wholesale trading and the increase in electricity exports. Added to this, Alpiq Polska is selling more and more electricity to industrial and commercial customers. "Given the difficult market environment in which we operate, we are exceptionally proud of our Business Gazelle rating," says Alpiq Polska CEO Arkadiusz Zieleźny.

Ranking highlights transparent and serious business practices

This is the seventh Business Gazelle Ranking ( compiled by Coface Poland. The team of Coface experts bases its findings on internal data and information provided for the purposes of this study by the companies under review. The final ratings were confirmed by "Monitor Polski B" and "Monitor Spółdzielczy" and can be downloaded from the "Puls Biznesu" Internet archive and the Coface database "Ogólnopolski Informator Upadłościowy"[national insolvency reference register]. The index is also recognised by regional courts in Poland. The Business Gazelle Ranking singles out companies that comply with transparent and serious business practices.