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Alpiq Generation (CZ) supports disabled persons in Kladno

Alpiq Generation (CZ) supports the Citizens' Association Special Care Service in Kladno, Czech Republic. The organisation promotes the interests of people with various physical disabilities.

Citizens' Association Special Care Service

Since it started supporting the Special Care Service eight years ago, Alpiq Generation (CZ) has donated almost 900,000 Czech koruna (around EUR 37,000). The money donated to the Special Care Service has been used to purchase a vehicle for transporting people in wheelchairs and with physical disabilities, and to meet other operating costs.

Welcome assistance for day-to-day living The Special Care Service was founded in 1994 by people confined to wheelchairs, and since then has been providing a range of services for the disabled. This includes help with shopping and housework, as well as assistance with personal needs such as getting dressed, hygiene, getting into wheelchairs, going to bed or eating. At present the Special Care Service provides assistance to 60 people, helping them to remain independent and avoid moving into a care home, home for the elderly or similar institution.

Through its sponsorship programme, Alpiq Generation (CZ) supports two dozen charity organisations in Kladno: primarily social institutions such as the Kladno home for the elderly, the Fountain Complex Social Care Centre, Kladno hospital and the Sun for All Endowment Fund.